Figure 1. Gray matter volumetric abnormalities in TSD and NTSD.
(A) Results of initial analysis of variance (ANOVA) comparing gray matter volume (GMV) between TSD, NTSD and healthy controls. (B) GMV differences between NTSD patients and healthy controls. (C) GMV differences between TSD patients and healthy controls. (D) Direct comparison of GMV differences between TSD and NTSD groups. (E) Significant inverse correlation between GMV (in liters) in the right premotor cortex and disorder duration (in years) in the TSD group. Brain abnormalities are shown on a series of axial, sagittal and coronal sections in the standard MNI space. The corresponding coordinates of peak changes are given in the Table 1. The color bars represent F score (A), t scores (B, C, D) and rs score (E), respectively.