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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2015 Oct 15.
Published in final edited form as: J Comp Neurol. 2014 Jul 14;522(15):3555–3574. doi: 10.1002/cne.23641

Table 2. Regional expression of Kv2.1 juxtaposed clustering with RyR.

Multiple label immunofluorescence was performed on serial coronal brain sections for Kv2.1 and RyR. Sections that included the striatum were scored for levels of Kv2.1 per cell, with the highest levels being scored as four:plus signs (++++), equal to the intensities found in striatal MSNs. Regions were also noted for having a majority of the cells exhibiting somatic clustering of RyR. Levels of RyR were not indicated due to heterogeneity within structures.

Brain Region Kv2.1
Cortex +++++
  Pyramidal neurons ++++ Yes
  Dentate Gyrus ++++ Yes
  Subiculum ++++
Habenular complex
  Medial habenular nucleus (MHb) +++
  Lateral habenular nucleus (LHb) ++
  Lateral amygdaloid nucleus
    Dorsolateral part (LaDL) ++++
    Ventrolateral part (LaVL) ++++
  Central amygdaloid nucleus
    capsular part (CeC) ++ Yes
    lateral division (CeL) ++ Yes
  Caudate putamen (Cpu) ++++ Yes
  Globus pallidus (GP) +
Thalamus: Anterior nuclear group
  Anteroventral nucleus (AV) +++ Yes
  Anteromedial nucleus (AM) ++ Yes
Thalamus: Mediodorsal nucleus (MD)
  Intermediate level
    Medial part (MDM) ++ Yes
    Central part (MDC) ++ Yes
    Lateral part (MDL) +++ Yes
Thalamus: Ventral nuclear complex
  Ventromedial nucleus (VM) +++ Yes
  Ventrolateral nucleus (VL) ++ Yes
  Ventral posterolateral nucleus (VPL) ++ Yes
  Ventral posteromedial nucleus (VPM) ++ Yes
Thalamus: Lateral nuclear group
  Laterodorsal nucleus (LD)
    Dorsomedial part (LDDM) ++++
    Ventrolateral part (LDVL) +++
  Lateroposterior nucleus (LP)
    Laterorostral part (LPLR) +++
    Mediorostral part (LPMR) +++
Thalamus: Posterior nucleus (Po) +++ Yes
Thalamus: Intralaminar nuclear group
  Central medial nucleus (CM) +++ Yes
  Centrolateral nucleus (CL) ++
  Parafascicular nucleus (PF) +++
Thalamus: Midline nuclear group
  Paraventricular nucleus (PV) +
  Ineranteromedial nucleus (IAM) ++
  Intermediodorsal nucleus (IMD) ++ Yes
Thalamus: Reticular nucleus (Rt) ++
Thalamus: Geniculate Nucleus
  Pregeniculate nucleus
    Magnocellular part (PGMC) ++
    Parvicellular part (PGPC) +++
  Lateral geniculate nucleus
    Dorsal part (DLG) +++ Yes
  Anterior pretectal nucleus
    Dorsal part (APTD) +++
Sub-thalamus: Zona incerta (ZI)
  Dorsal part (ZID) ++
  Ventral (ZIV) ++
  Subthalamic nucleus (STh) +++ Yes
  Parasubthalamic nucleus ++