Figure 2.
ERP and γERSP response at category-selective sites. (A) The locations of 69 category-selective electrodes displayed on a standard brain (left panel). Selectivity was defined by contrasting each of the conditions of interest (faces, eyes, bodies) to flowers. Therefore, a single electrode could be identified as “selective” for more than one condition. The color at each location indicates which category (or categories) met selectivity criteria (see Materials and Methods). For reference to standard imaging results, the ORANGE overlay indicates voxels at which there is a ≥33% probability of being face-selective in a face vs. scene fMRI experiment (Engell and McCarthy, 2013). (B) The grand-average ERPs for each condition were calculated at all electrodes that were category-selective for one or more conditions. The grand-averages can therefore include sites that were selective for multiple conditions. For instance, the body-selective ERP (bottom row) includes the response recorded from the “Body,” “Face & Body,” and “Face & Eye & Body” locations. The grand average ERP was created by averaging patient ERPs, which could each include one or more electrodes. We report both the patient sample size (N) and the total number of electrodes. (C) The relative increase in event-related gamma power at the same category-selective sites.