Figure 1.
Screening USPs regulating Imd and Toll pathways.Drosophila S2 cells were co-transfected with the indicated dsRNAs, pAct-luc normaliser and either the pAttA-luc(A-C) or the pDrs-luc(D-F) reporter gene. A,C: The Imd pathway was activated by adding heat-killed E. coli. D,F: The Toll pathway is stimulated by co-transfecting cells with pAc-Spz. B,E: Cells are not stimulated (ie, neither by E. coli(B) not by pAc-Spz (E)) in order to look after constitutive deregulation of the pathway. A,D,C,F. NI: not induced control. A-F. Histograms represent the % of induction compared to double strand gfp treated control cells. One out of three independent experiments is shown. Error bars indicate standard deviation of technical triplicates. Significant differences (Student-t-test) p < 0.05 (*), p < 0.02 (**).