Influence of substrate concentration on the dephosphorylation of 3H-labeled dNTPs by SAMHD1. Upper row, incubations with 50 ng of mouse SAMHD1; lower row, incubations with 150 ng of human SAMHD1. Each enzyme was incubated in separate experiments with 3H-labeled dGTP, dATP, dTTP, or dCTP (200–6000 cpm/nmol) at the varying concentrations shown on the abscissa and with 20 μm effectors (color-coded in the graphs). Other incubation conditions, the quantitation of the deoxynucleosides formed during the reaction, and the calculation of Km constants are described under “Experimental Procedures.” Ordinates indicate the nmol of deoxynucleoside (NdR) produced in 1 min by 1 mg of protein.