Top: Main-effect of group post-training. The sponsor modality (sponsor/nonsponsor) was collapsed together resulting in the following contrast in the post-training condition: [ACT > MT]. The two conditions (sponsor and nonsponsor) were collapsed in that there was no significant behavioral effect of condition in the post-training condition in both groups. The SPM display increased activity in the vmPFC at p < 0.001, uncorrected (albeit displayed at p < 0.005 to show the extend of the activation). Note the peak MNI coordinates in the vmPFC (x,y,z = 2 50 −6), albeit show here at in a sagittal plane (X=−2) to allow comparison with Figure 1.
Bottom: β-values extracted for each group in the post-training condition in the vmPFC display the group difference (significance at p < 0.01 denoted by *; p < 0.001, uncorrected by **; non significance denoted by n.s.). Error bars indicate SE. Note that only the sponsor β-estimate in the ACT group is significantly different from zero, whereas the nonsponsor β-estimate is not significant from zero. In the post MT-group, both the sponsor and nonsponsor β-estimates are significantly different from zero, albeit in the opposite direction compared to the ACT group.