Table 3.
Explanation of 3D morphometric parameters analyzed within two volumes of interest (VOI): the cartilage and cortical region and the trabecular region.
Bone mineral density (g/cm3) BMD | Volumetric density of bone within a mixed bone-soft tissue VOI |
Percent bone volume (%) BV/TV | Proportion of VOI occupied by binarised solid objects (e.g., bone) |
Intersection surface (mm2) i.S. | Surface of VOI intersected by bone, useful for evaluating bone growth at a defined boundary |
Bone specific surface (mm−1) BS/BV | Ratio of bone surface to bone volume within the VOI, useful for characterizing the relative complexity of structures |
Object number Obj.N. | Total number of discreet binarised objects within the VOI, where a discreet object is a connected cluster of solid (white) voxels fully surrounded by space (black) voxels |