Figure 5. D011-2120, but not G202-0362 inhibits RVFV Gn trafficking by disrupting the Golgi complex.
HeLa cells were transduced to express a GFP-fused Golgi marker and were treated with (A–C) vehicle control (0.5% DMSO), (D–F) G202-0362 (20 µM), (G–I) D011-2120 (50 µM), (J–L) nocodazole (33 µM) at 2 h PI or (M–O) Brefeldin A(100 ng/mL) at 20 min before stopping the infection with RVFV MP12 strain (MOI = 10). Cells were fixed at 10 h PI and immuostained to detect RVFV Gn localization (Red) and stained with Hoechst 33342 to visualize nuclei (blue).