Control Nkx2-5+/+ (left) vs. cyanotic
Nkx2-5+/R52G mouse #6 (right): (A) whole
bodies, (B) dissected hearts, and (C) heart sections with
simplified illustrations. (D) Enlarged images of heart sections of right
ventricle (RV, top) and interventricular septum (IVS, bottom) obtained from
Nkx2-5+/+ (left) vs.
Nkx2-5+/R52G mice (right). (E) Enlarged images
of tissue sections defining the compact layer morphologically as the appearance of a
compact band of uniform tissue, while the endocardial noncompacted trabecular layer
consists of trabecular meshwork with deep endomyocardial spaces29. (F) Quantification of area size of total
ventricle, trabecular and compact layer. Nkx2-5+/R52G hearts
demonstrating profound anomalies were excluded. RA, right atrium; LA, left atrium; RV,
right ventricle; LV, left ventricle. *P<0.05.