(A) Current clamp recording shows action potentials in a wild-type DA neuron (200pA injection) before (ACSF) and after application of 300µM baclofen (+Baclofen, red trace). (B) Input-output plot shows firing frequency increases with larger current injections (solid circles, ACSF; n=16) and suppression with baclofen (open circles) (p<0.01 at 100–300pA, 2-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc test). (C) Current clamp recording from DA neuron (200pA injection) before (ACSF) and after application of 300µM baclofen (+Baclofen, red trace). (D) Firing frequency is plotted as a function of current injection before (solid triangles, ACSF; n=24) and after baclofen (open triangles). Input-output plot shows loss of baclofen-dependent inhibition of firing at all current injection levels (n.s. all steps, 2-way ANOVA).