Overview of SpAdK structure in two conformations. (A) SpAdK structure and its domains. (B) the crystal structure of SpAdK in complex with two mimic-substrates (Ap5A); the ATP, AMP, LID and CORE domains are colored with cyan, marine, orange and forest, respectively; Ap5A is shown by stick-view. (C) The crystal structure of native SpAdK, with ATP (light cyan), AMP (light blue), LID (light orange) and CORE (light green) domains. (D) The 2mFo-DFc electron density map at 1.48 A° resolution shows the Ap5A and cofactor Mg2+ (magenta sphere). (E) Superposition of two structures. (F) An insight view of the two mimic-substrate-binding cleft, including Mg2+ (magenta sphere), and 4 water molecules (red spheres). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)