Figure 2.
Natural and induced variation in MNM1. The gene structure of MNM1 is shown with the wide black rectangle showing the open reading frame. The 5′ and 3′ untranslated regions are shown as solid black lines with introns shown by the thin triangle. The promoter analyzed is shown by the dotted black line. The graph shows the number of single nucleotide polymorphisms per 20 basepairs between the Bay and Sha genomic sequences. The deletions with respect to the Col-0 sequence are shown as black triangles at the respective positions, while insertions are shown as yellow triangles. The position of mnm1-2 (SALK_128695) and mnm1-1 (SALK_085140) are presented. The scale represents a distance of 400 bp. The amino acid sequence shows the portion of the protein containing the AT-hook motif (RGRP), the potential nuclear localization sequence (KRKR) and the putative D-box (RxxLxxxxN). The start codon, stop codon, and chromosomal position are also labeled.