Figure 2.
Salt stress effect on wild type and Sl-ERF.B.3 antisense lines growth. (a) Photographs of both Sl-ERF.B.3 antisense transgenic tomato lines (AS38 and AS25) and wild type (WT) were taken at sampling time after six weeks of treatment (irrigation by 200 mM NaCl solution). Control: plants were grown under normal growth conditions. Arrows show the leaf epinastic curvature induced by salt stress. Stem height (b) and root length (d) means are assessed in two Sl-ERF.B.3 antisense transgenic tomato lines (AS25 and AS38) and in wild type (WT) grown for six weeks on compost in absence (black bars) or in presence of NaCl (200 mM NaCl) (grey bars) in irrigation solution. Percentages of relative reduction in stem height mean (c) and that in root length mean (e) between control (0 mM NaCl) and salt stressed (200 mM NaCl) plants of both wild type (WT) and Sl-ERF.B.3 antisense transgenic lines (AS25 and AS38) are presented. Data are means of three replications ± standard error. Letters indicate significant differences between wild type and transgenic lines according to Student's t-test (a: P < 0.05, b: P < 0.01).