Table 1.
Indigenous Australian mammals screened for trypanosomes, number of individuals examined and number of positive infections (∗ indicates a positive trypanosome reference).
Host: common name | Host: species name | Number of hosts examined | Number of hosts positive | Trypanosoma species | Reference |
Marsupial | |||||
Kowari | Dasyuroides byrnei | 7 | 0 | D | |
Eastern quoll | Dasyurus viverrinus | 58 | 0 | D, K | |
Northern brown bandicoot | Isoodon macrourus | 82 | 12 | T. thylacis | B∗, D* |
Long-nosed bandicoot | Perameles nasuta | 1 | 0 | D | |
Sugar glider | Petaurus breviceps | 6 | 0 | D, K | |
Squirrel glider | Petaurus norfolcensis | 5 | 0 | D, K | |
Common ringtail possum | Pseudocheirus peregrinus | 4 | 0 | D, K | |
Long-nosed potoroo | Potorous tridactylus | 3 | 0 | D, F, K | |
Eastern grey kangaroo | Macropus giganteus | 12 | 1 | T. sp. H25 | D, F*,J*, K |
Red kangaroo | Macropus rufus | 8 | 0 | D, K, S | |
Southern brown bandicoot | Isoodon obesulus | >23 | >9 | T. vegrandis, T. copemani | E*, S, T* |
Eastern barred bandicoot | Perameles gunnii | >7 | >1 | T. sp. | E*, F |
Common wombat | Vombatus ursinus | 21 | 4 | T. copemani | F*, J*, K* |
Koala | Phascolarctos cinereus | 604 | 439 | T. irwini, T. copemani, T. gilletti | F, K, O*, Q*, R* |
Brush-tailed possum | Trichosurus vulpecula | 155 | 40^ + 17 | T. cruzi^ + T. sp. H25, T. copemani | A^,F, K, N*, S*, T* |
Parma wallaby | Macropus parma | 3 | 0 | F, K | |
Brush-tailed rock-wallaby | Petrogale penicillata | 2 | 1 | T. sp. | F, K* |
Swamp wallaby | Wallabia bicolour | 5 | 1 | T. sp. | F, J*, K* |
Bridled nail-tail wallaby | Onychogalea fraenata | 39 | 0 | G | |
Agile wallaby | Macropus agilis | 2 | 2^ | T. evansi^ | H^ |
Dusky antechinus | Antechinus swainsonii | 10 | 0 | K | |
Brush-tailed phascogale | Phascogale tapoatafa | 4 | 0 | K | |
Tasmanian devil | Sarcophilus harrisii | 4 | 0 | K | |
Rufus bettong | Aepyprymnus rufescens | 2 | 0 | K | |
Red-necked wallaby | Macropus rufogriseus | 3 | 0 | K | |
Purple-necked rock-wallaby | Petrogale purpureicollis | 2 | 0 | K | |
Yellow-footed rock-wallaby | Petrogale xanthopus | 2 | 0 | K | |
Quokka | Setonix brachyurus | 22 | 10 | T. copemani | L*, P*, T* |
Gilbert’s potoroo | Potorous gilbertii | 8 | 8 | T. copemani | L*, P* |
Woylie | Bettongia penicillata | 1413 | 535 | T. copemani, T. vegrandis, T. sp. H25 | M*, N*, S*, T*, U* |
Western quoll | Dasyurus geoffroii | 62 | 3 | T. vegrandis | M*, N*, S, T* |
Dibbler | Parantechinus apicalis | 2 | 1 | T. sp. | N* |
Common planigale | Planigale maculata | 6 | 1 | T. sp. | N* |
Golden bandicoot | Isoodon auratus | 12 | 1 | T. sp. | N* |
Western barred bandicoot | Perameles bougainville | 11 | 0 | N, S | |
Greater bilby | Macrotis lagotis | 63 | 0 | N, S | |
Burrowing bettong | Bettongia lesueur | 86 | 7 | T. sp., T. sp. H25 | N*, S, T* |
Spectacled hare-wallaby | Lagorchestes conspicillatus | 3 | 0 | N | |
Banded hare-wallaby | Lagostrophus fasciatus | 10 | 1 | T. sp. H25 | N, T* |
Black-footed rock-wallaby | Petrogale lateralis | 10 | 0 | N | |
Western grey kangaroo | Macropus fuliginosus | 45 | 29 | T. vegrandis | S, T* |
Macropus sp. | Macropus sp. (likely robustus) | 2 | 0 | S | |
Northern quoll | Dasyurus hallucatus | 6 | 0 | S | |
Western ringtail possum | Pseudocheirus occidentalis | 13 | 0 | S | |
Tiger quoll | Dasyurus maculatus | 30 | 17 | T. copemani | T* |
Tammar wallaby | Macropus eugenii | 7 | 3 | T. vegrandis | T* |
Rodent | |||||
Water rat | Hydromys chrysogaster | 39 | 1 | T. lewisi | D*, K, N |
Grassland melomys | Melomys burtoni | 80 | 0 | D | |
Spinifex hopping mouse | Notomys alexis | 2 | 0 | N | |
Western chestnut mouse | Pseudomys nanus | 6 | 0 | N | |
Bush rat | Rattus fuscipes | 67 | 10 | T. lewisi | C*, D*, N* |
Dusky field rat | Rattus sordidus | ? | 0 | D | |
Long-haired rat | Rattus villosissimus | ? | 0 | D | |
Ash-grey mouse | Pseudomys albocinereus | 2 | 1 | ≈ T. lewisi | N* |
Shark Bay mouse | Pseudomys fieldi | 18 | 3 | T. sp | N* |
Bat | |||||
Black flying fox | Pteropus alecto | >67 | >1 | T. pteropi | C*, D* |
Spectacled flying fox | Pteropus conspicillatus | 41 | 0 | D | |
Grey-headed flying fox | Pteropus poliocephalus | >7 | 0 | D | |
Little red flying fox | Pteropus scapulatus | 13 | 0 | D | |
Dusky leaf-nosed bat | Hipposideros ater | 1 | 1 | T. hipposideri | D* |
Semon’s leaf-nosed bat | Hipposideros semoni | 1 | 0 | D | |
Common bent-wing bat | Miniopterus schreibersii | 23 | 0 | D | |
Eastern long-eared bat | Nyctophilus bifax | 2 | 0 | D | |
Eastern forest bat | Vespadelus pumilus | 16 | 0 | D | |
Monotreme | |||||
Platypus | Ornithorhynchus anatinus | >11 | >6 | T. binneyi | B*, D*, F*, I*, J*, K* |
Short-beaked echidna | Tachyglossus aculeatus | 3 | 1^ | T. cruzi^ | A^, F |
References: A = Backhouse and Bolliger (1951), B = Mackerras (1958a), C = Mackerras (1958b), D = Mackerras (1959), E = Bettiol et al. (1998), F = Noyes et al. (1999), G = Turni and Smales (2001), H = Reid et al. (2001), I = Jakes et al. (2001), J = Hamilton et al. (2004), K = Hamilton et al. (2005a,b), L = Clark and Spencer (2006), M = Smith et al. (2008), N = Averis et al. (2009), O = McInnes et al. (2009), P = Austen et al. (2009), Q = Mcinnes et al. (2010), R = McInnes et al. (2011), S = Paparini et al. (2011), T = Botero et al. (2013) and U = Thompson et al. (2013), (^ = host experimentally infected with trypanosomes, ≈ = DNA isolate genetically similar to, * = positive host to trypanosomes)