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. 2014 Aug 25;8:653. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00653

Table 4.

Network analysis of structural connectivity in schizophrenia.

Study Network type Subjects Node definition Edge definition Analysis Global results* Local Results* Hubs*
Bassett et al., 2008 Structural correlation (1.5 T) 203 SCZ 108 regions Pick atlas Binary, correlation between region volumes Graph theory =SW, K distribution ↓hierarchy, ↑mean C distance in multimodal network ↓PFC hubs
259 HC ≠ CC, K and B in PreM, PFC, OFC, ITG, MTG, CG, Ins ↑ITG, Ins, CG hubs
Zhang et al., 2012b Structural correlation (1.5 T) 101 SCZ 78 regions AAL atlas Binary, correlation between regional cortical thickness Graph theory ↑PL, CC ↓B mainly in the association cortices ↑# of hubs
101 HC ↑B in the primary and paralimbic cortices ↓association cortex hubs
↑primary, paralimbic hubs
Collin et al., 2013 Structural correlation (1.5T) 146 SCZ (1) 12 lobes Binary, correlation between region volumes C compare (lobes) n/a ↓C frontal <-> subcortical n/a
122 HC (2) 82 regions Freesurfer NBS (regions) ↑C temporal <-> subcortical; L frontal <-> R frontal; frontal <-> limbic impaired networks:1)
PFC, temporal, occipital, parietal, limbic 2) SMG, Post-CG, CG, subcortical (NBS)
Shi et al., 2012 Structural correlation (3T) 26 high risk neonates$ 90 regions adapted AAL atlas Binary, correlation between region volumes Graph theory ↓Eglob, inter-module C n/a =frontal, temporal hubs
26 HC neonates ↑Eloc, PL, CC, C distance ↑occipital hubs
↓parietal, subcortical hubs
Shi et al., 2012 DTI white matter (3T, 6 dir) 26 high risk neonates 90 regions adapted AAL atlas Binary, nodes linked if sufficient # of streamlines Graph theory =Eglob, Eloc, C distance ↓number of fibers in 4 right subcortical <-> cortical and 2 occipital <-> limbic Cs =frontal, temporal, insula, limbic hubs
26 HC neonates C compare ↑occipital hubs
↓parietal, subcortical hubs
van den Heuvel et al., 2010 DTI white matter (1.5T, 32dir) 40 SCZ 108 regions AAL atlas Weighted by average MTR -nodes linked if sufficient # of streamlines Graph theory =SW, C strength, PL, CC ↑PL of frontal and temporal regions ↓B in frontal hubs
40 HC ↓CC in HPC and paracentral lobule
Skudlarski et al., 2010 DTI White matter (3T, 12dir) 27 SCZ 6000 K means clustering Weighted by # of streamlines C compare Decoupling between anatomical and functional C ↓C in in default mode and task positive networks n/a
27 HC
Zalesky et al., 2011 DTI white matter (1.5T, 64dir) 74 SCZ 82 regions AAL atlas Binary, nodes linked if sufficient # of streamlines Graph theory =SW ↓C in AG <-> R MTG; R SFG <-> L SFG; L IFG <-> L Ins n/a
32 HC C compare ↓K, Eglob ↓C in network of medial frontal regions connected to parietal and occipital lobes (NBS)
Wang et al., 2012 DTI white matter (1.5T, 13dir) 79 SCZ 90 regions AAL atlas Weighted by # of streamlines Graph theory ↓Eglob ↓regional Eglob in frontal associative cortices, paralimbic/limbic and subcortical regions =association cortex, paralimbic/ limbic hubs
96 HC =Eloc, SW
van den Heuvel et al., 2013 DTI white matter (3T, 32dir) 48 SCZ 82 regions Weighted by # of streamlines Graph theory ↓RC organization, C strength, Eglob, CC ↓RC organization most pronounced in cortical networks =RC members: PCUN, SFG, SPG, Ins
45 HC Freesurfer ↑M ↓density of RC Cs
Collin et al., 2014 DTI white matter (1.5T, 32dir) 40 SCZ 68 cortical regions Weighted by # of streamlines Graph theory ↓C strength, Eglob (HC>SCZ) ↓C strength: SFG, ITG ↓Eglob: ACG, SFG, and PreCG ≠C and CC over-represented in RC members
54 SCZ siblings Freesurfer NBS ↓CC (HC>siblings>SCZ) ↓CC: SFG, ACG, OFG, PreCG and Ins ↓C over- represented in RC members (NBS)
51 HC ↓RC and local C strength (HC>siblings>SCZ)
Ottet et al., 2013 DTI white matter (3T, 30dir) 46 22q11.2DS 82 regions Binary, nodes linked if sufficient # of streamlines graph theory ↑PL ↓centrality in 16 out of 65 nonhubs (25%) ↓centrality in 10 out of 17 hubs (58%): HPC, SPG and PreCG, MFG, SFG, PCUN, THAL
48 HC Freesurfer ↓Eglob, K
Zhang et al., 2014 DTI white matter (1.5T, 15dir) 30 FE-SCZ 90 regions AAL atlas Weighted by # of streamlines graph theory =SW ↓Eglob and K in sensorimotor, basal ganglia, and limbic-visual systems =hubs: PCUN, FG, MTG, ITG, SPG, post-CG
34 HC NBS ↓C strength, Eglob, K ↓C in subnetwork of frontal, parietal, occipital and subcortical regions (NBS) ↓hubs: MFG, post-CG and PreCG

Results reported in patient groups relative to controls unless otherwise indicated;


High risk neonates have mothers with schizophrenia.

SCZ, schizophrenia; SA, schizoaffective disorder; SF, schizophreniform disorder; FE-SCZ, first episode, medication naïve schizophrenia; HC, healthy control; 22q11.2DS - 22q11.2 deletion syndrome; NBS, network based statistics; MTR, magnetization transfer ratio; AAL, Automated Anatomical Labeling atlas (Tzourio-Mazoyer et al., 2002); LPBA40, LONI Probabilistic Brain Atlas (Shattuck et al., 2008).

Graph theory metrics: SW, small world organization; CC, clustering coefficient; PL, mean path length; K, degree; B, betweenness centrality; Eglob, global efficiency; Eloc, local efficiency; C, connectivity; M, modularity; RC, rich club.

Symbols: <->, between; #, number; ↑, increased; ↓, decreased; =, equivalent; ≠, different.

Brain regions: AG, angular gyrus; CG, cingulate gyrus; HPC, hippocampus; IFG, inferior frontal gyrus; Ins, Insular cortex; ITG, inferior temporal gyrus; MFG, middle frontal gyrus; MTG, middle temporal gyrus; OFC, orbital frontal cortex; PCUN, precuneus; PFC, prefrontal cortex; PreCG, precentral gyrus; PreM, premotor cortex; SFG, superior frontal gyrus; SPG, superior parietal gyrus; THAL, thalamus.