Figure 4.
Discriminability of the LFP spectra in relation to the avalanche statistics. (A) Discriminability index in the reduced simulations. As in the full simulations (Figure 3B), stimulus discriminability increases dramatically in a narrow region of the coupling space. (B) Avalanche size distributions P(s) in the sub-critical (green), critical (blue), and super-critical (red) regimes for a single stimulus. Insets show how the corresponding avalanche duration distributions P(T) and the mean avalanche sizes 〈s〉 conditioned on the avalanche duration T behave in the three distinct regimes. The corresponding coupling parameter values are marked with crosses in (A). (C) The values of the estimated power-law exponents τ, α, and 1/σνz for each value of the excitatory coupling strength Jexc. The lines mark the mean exponent at the critical point for each stimulus and the corresponding colored patches represent the standard deviation over the stimuli. The black dashed line shows the value of α computed using Equation 3, by plugging in the other two exponents.