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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2014 Aug 25.
Published in final edited form as: Obesity (Silver Spring). 2013 Mar;21(0 1):S1–27. doi: 10.1002/oby.20461


Postoperative Checklist for Bariatric Surgery*

Early postoperative care
monitored telemetry at least 24 hr if high risk for MI
protocol-derived staged meal progression supervised by RD
healthy eating education by RD
multivitamin plus minerals (# tablets for minimal requirement) 1 2 2 2
calcium citrate, 1200–1500 mg/d
vitamin D, at least 3000 units/d, titrate to >30 ng/mL
vitamin B12 as needed for normal range levels
maintain adequate hydration (usually >1.5 L/d PO)
monitor blood glucose with diabetes or hypoglycemic symptoms
pulmonary toilet, spirometry, DVT prophylaxis
if unstable, consider pulmonary embolus (PE), intestinal leak (IL) PE PE PE/IL PE/IL
if rhabdomyolysis suspected, check CPK
visits: initial, interval until stable, once stable (months) 1,1–2,12 1,3–6,12 1,3,6–12 1,3,6
monitor progress with weight loss and evidence of complications each visit
SMA-21, CBC/plt with each visit (and iron at baseline and after as needed)
avoid nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs
adjust postoperative medications
consider gout and gallstone prophylaxis in appropriate patients
need for antihypertensive therapy with each visit
lipid evaluation every 6–12 months based on risk and therapy
monitor adherence with physical activity recommendations
evaluate need for support groups
bone density (DXA) at 2 years
24-hour urinary calcium excretion at 6 months and then annually
B12 (annually; MMA and HCy optional; then q 3–6 months if supplemented)
folic acid (RBC folic acid optional), iron studies, 25-vitamin D, iPTH x x
vitamin A (initially and q 6–12 months thereafter) x x optional
copper, zinc, and selenium evaluation with specific findings x x
thiamine evaluation with specific findings
consider eventual body contouring surgery

see text for abbreviations; based on general obesity-related risks, GI functional anatomy, and clinical endpoints after specific bariatric surgical procedures.