Figure 7.
Schematic model of the influence of EttA, in the presence of ATP, on the early steps in protein synthesis on the ribosome. For simplicity, not all intermediate steps in translation are shown; see text for more details. Tan, 30S; navy, 50S; orange, EF-Tu. Abbreviations: 70S IC, 70S ribosomal initiation complex; TC, aminoacyl-tRNA•EF-Tu•GTP ternary complex. Three yellow dots in tandem represent the heading peptide excluding the two most recently added amino acids (red circles). Blue arrow indicates the propensity of PRE complexes for spontaneous ratchet-like intersubunit rotation. Red stop sign symbolizes the inhibition of the MS-I↔MS-II dynamics by the binding of the ATP-bound form of EttA to the ribosomal E site. EttA-mediated translation regulation in the presence of ADP, described in the companion paper by Boel et al4, is not represented in this schematic.