Figure 1.
RT-PCR amplifications of the WWOX cDNA of oral leukoplasia (OL) cases. (a) Electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel 6.5% was used to detect wild-type transcript (1284 bp) and alterations in the WWOX mRNA transcripts. Absence of transcript was seen in 1 lesion (#OL22). Representative sequences from the OLs showing five different types of aberrant transcripts: #OL2 (b); #OL14 (c); #OL18 (d); two in #OL23 – < (e) and > (f) bands. * represents a partial loss of the exon. In case #OL16 we detected a band of abnormal size and we sequenced the exons 1–6 and part of exon 7 but the aberrant transcript was not possible detected because of minute sample amount. WT – Normal WWOX transcription RNA with 9 exons.