Table 1. Study population demographic and clinical measures, cognitive scores and brain MRI characteristics (data shown as mean ± SD or as number of cases and percentage n (%)).
Demographic and clinical measures | (N = 142) |
Age, years | 65.9±9.5 |
Education, years | 13.6±3.7 |
Admission NIHSS | 2.5±3.0 |
Systolic blood pressure mmHg | 140±20 |
Gender, male, n (%) | 76 (53.1%) |
Risk factors | |
Hypertension, n (%) | 82 (57.3%) |
Diabetes mellitus, n (%) | 29 (20.3%) |
Dyslipidemia, n (%) | 81 (56.6%) |
History of heart disease, n (%) | 22 (15.5%) |
Atrial fibrillation n (%) | 13 (9.2%) |
Smoking, n (%) | 26 (18.1%) |
Body mass index >25, n (%) | 95 (66.3%) |
Infarct Location | |
No infarct | 50 (36%) |
Cortical infarct | 30 (21%) |
Sub-cortical infarct | 48 (33%) |
Subtentorial infarct | 14 (10%) |
Cognitive score (1 year follow-up) | |
Global cognitive score | 96.7±12.4 |
Memory score | 97.9±15.7 |
Executive function score | 98.1±12.0 |
Verbal function score | 90.2±22.8 |
Visual spatial score | 98.5±18.6 |
Attention score | 98.8±13.2 |
Brain MRI characteristics | |
Ischemic lesions volume, mm3 | 4949±13741 |
ICV, mm3 | 1348527±141014 |
Relative ischemic lesions volume, % of ICV | 0.366±1.04 |
WML volume, mm3 | 18203±17727 |
Relative WML, % of ICV | 1.3±1.3 |
WML FA values, arbitrary units | 0.29±0.05 |
WML MD values, mm2/sec | 0.0012±0.0001 |
WML eigenvalue1 (Da), mm2/sec | 0.0016±0.00018 |
WML Dr values, mm2/sec | 0.0010±0.00017 |
WML eigenvalue2, mm2/sec | 0.0011±0.00017 |
WML eigenvalue3, mm2/sec | 0.00097±0.00017 |
NAWM FA values, arbitrary units | 0.40±0.01 |
NAWM MD values, mm2/sec | 0.0008±0.00003 |
NAWM eigenvalue1 (Da) values, mm2/sec | 0.0012±0.00005 |
NAWM Dr values, mm2/sec | 0.0006±0.00004 |
NAWM eigenvalue2, mm2/sec | 0.00078±0.00004 |
NAWM eigenvalue3, mm2/sec | 0.00055±0.00004 |
Abbreviations: NIHSS, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale; ICV, intracranial volume; WML, white matter lesions; FA, fractional anisotropy; MD, mean diffusivity; Dr, radial diffusivity; Da, axial diffusivity; NAWM, normal-appearing white matter.