Fig. 4.
AaKr-h1 encodes two isoforms and both the isoforms are induced by JH III.
A. The structure and the splicing pattern of the two isoforms are shown. Exons in the untranslated regions are shown as open boxes and the exons in the translated region are sown as filled boxes. The numbers in the boxes or below line show nucleotides present in each region and the numbers on the top show nucleotide location of different regions. E box and E box-like motifs are shown as closed and open circles respectively.
B. JH III induces production of mRNAs of both isoforms of AaKr-h1. Aag-2 cells were exposed to 1 μM JH III or 10 μM 20E for 3 hr. Total RNAs were isolated and used in qRT-PCR to quantify AaKr-h1α and AaKr-h1β mRNA levels. Mean + S.E. (n=3) are shown. The data were analyzed using Univariate analysis of variance Post Hoc Tests. **, significantly different at P<0.01; *, significantly different at P<0.05.
C. JH III dose-response in induction AaKr-h1 isoforms. Experimental procedures are the same as in Figure 4B except that the cells were exposed to various doses of JH III for 3 hr. Mean + S.E. (n=3) are shown.
D. AaKr-h1 α is the predominant isoform in larvae, pupae and adults. Total RNAs were isolated from staged Ae aegypti larvae, pupae and adults and used in qRT-PCR to quantify AaKr-h1α and AaKr-h1β mRNA levels. Mean + S.E. (n=3) are shown.