Table 1.
Neuroimaging studies of groups with suicide attempters
Authors and year |
Group with history of suicide attempts |
Group(s) without attempts |
Methods | Findings |
Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies of Gray Matter and White Matter | ||||
Aguilar et al 20083 |
13 M with SCZ, MA 37 yrs |
24 DCs | VBM of GM density |
↓ OFC and superior temporal GM density, relative to DCs |
Baldacara et al 201110 |
20 with BD, MA 40 yrs |
20 DCs, 22 HCs |
VBM of GM and WM brain volume; ROI volume |
No significant differences in total brain volume or cerebellar volume |
Benedetti et al 20112 |
19 with BD, MA 45 yrs |
38 DCs | VBM of GM volume |
↓ GM volume in DLPFC, OFC, ACC, superior temporal, parietal and occipital cortex and ↑ in bilateral superior termporal gyrus, relative to DCs. With lithium ↑ GM volume in same regions (DLPFC, OFC, ACC, superior temporal, parietal and occipital cortex) and ↓ in bilateral superior temporal gyrus |
Giakoumatos et al 20136 |
148 with SCZ, SZA or BD-P, MA 36 yrs |
341 DCs, 262 HCs |
VBM of GM volume |
↓ GM volume in bilateral superior/middle frontal, and inferior/superior temporal regions, left superior parietal and supramarginal regions, and right insula and thalamus, relative to DCs and HCs. High (vs. low) lethality showed ↓ in left lingual area and right cuneus |
Matsuo et al 201012 |
10 F with BD, MA 36 yrs |
10 DCs, 27 HCs |
ROI area | Anterior CC genu area associated with impulsivity |
Monkul et al 20071 |
7 F with MDD, MA 31 yrs |
10 DCs, 17 HCs |
ROI volume | ↓ OFC GM, relative to HCs. ↓ amyg volumes, relative to DCs |
Riisch et al 200811 |
10 with SCZ, MA 30 yrs |
45 DCs, 55 HCs |
VBM of GM and WM |
↑ bilateral inferior frontal WM volume, relative to DCs. In SCZ ↑ inferior frontal related to self-aggression |
Soloff et al 20124 |
44 with BPD (25 high lethality), MA 30 yrs |
24 DCs, 52 HCs |
ROI volume |
↓ insula GM, relative to DCs. ↓ in high lethality attempters in OFC, middle/superior temporal gyrus, insula, fusifrom gyrus, lingual gyrus and parahippocampal gyrus |
Spoletini et al 20115 |
14 with SCZ, MA 43 yrs |
36 DCs, 50 HCs |
ROI volume |
↑ amyg, relative to DCs and HCs. In the SCZ group, ↑ amyg volume associated with self-aggression |
Vang et al 20109 |
7 (4 with MDD, 2 AD), MA 38 yrs |
6 HCs | 1231-β-CIT methods to separate 5-HTT and DAT uptake in ROIs |
↓ GP and caudate, relative to HCs and correlated with 5-HTT binding. In attempters, GP volumes inversely correlated with non-impulsive temperament |
Wagner et al 20117 |
15 with MDD (10 with suicide behavior, 5 with first degree relatives with suicidal behavior), MA 41 yrs |
15 DCs, 30 HCs |
VBM of GM density |
↓ inferior frontal cortex, ACC, caudate, amyg/HP formation, relative to HCs. ↓ ACC and caudate, relative to DCs |
Wagner et al 20128 |
Same sample as in Wagner et al 2011 above |
15 DCs, 30 HCs |
Cortical thickness | ↓ ventrolateral PFC, DLPFC and ACC, relative to DCs and HCs |
Older Adults | ||||
Cyprien et al 201149 |
21 (85.7% MDD, 36.8% AXD, 10.5% BD), MA 72 yrs |
180 DCs, 234 HCs |
ROI area | ↓ posterior third of CC, relative to DCs and HCs |
Dombrovski et al 201247 |
13 with MDD, MA 66 yrs |
20 DCs, 19 HC |
ROI voxel counts |
↓ putamen GM, relative to DCs and HCs. ↓ in associative and ventral striatum, relative to DCs. Suicide attempters with ↓ putamen GM had higher delayed discounting |
Hwang et al 201048 |
27 M with MDD, MA overall MDD sample 79 yrs |
43 DCs, 26 HCs |
VBM of GM and WM |
↓ GM and WM volume in the frontal, parietal, and temporal regions, insula, lentiform nucleus, midbrain, and cerebellum, relative to DCs |
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies of Hyperintensities on T2-weighted Images | ||||
Ehrlich et al 200514 |
62 MDD, MA overall sample 27 yrs |
40 DCs | Assessment of WMH |
↑ PVH |
Pompili et al 200813 |
44 with BD I or II or MDD, MA 46 yrs |
55 DCs | Assessment of WMH |
↑ PVH |
Older Adults | ||||
Ahearn et al 200145 |
20 MDD, MA 66 yrs |
20 DCs | Assessment of WMH |
↑ subcortical GM hyperintensities, and trend towards more PVH |
Children and Adolescents | ||||
Ehrlich et al 200352 |
43 inpatients with varying diagnoses MA overall sample 15 yrs |
110 DCs | Assessment of WMH |
↑ deep WMH in right parietal lobe associated with suicide attempts |
Ehrlich et al 200453 |
43 inpatients with varying diagnoses (25 MDD) MA overall sample 15 yrs, MA MDD subgroup 15 yrs |
110 DCs (23 MDD) |
Assessment of WMH |
Within the MDD subgroup ↑ in WMH, particularly PVH |
Diffusion Tensor Imaging Studies | ||||
Jia et al 201020 |
16 with MDD, MA 34 yrs |
36 DCs, 52 HCs |
Voxel-based analyses of FA |
↓ FA in the ALIC, relative to DCs and HCs, ↓ FA in the frontal lobe, relative to HCs, and ↓ FA in the lentiform nucleus, relative to DCs |
Jia et al 201322 |
23 with MDD, MA 36 yrs |
40 DCs, 46 HCs |
Tractography, ROI of FA |
↓ mean percentage of fibers through the ALIC to the left OFC and thalamus, relative to DCs. ↓ FA in medial frontal cortex, OFC, thalamus, and total ALIC fibers, relative to HCs |
Lopez- Larson et al 201323 |
19 with TBI, MA 38 |
40 DCs, 15 HCs |
ROI of FA | ↑ FA in bilateral thalamic radiations, relative to DCs and HCs |
Mahon et al 201219 |
14 with BD, MA 33 yrs |
15 DCs, 15 HCs |
Tract-based spatial statistical and voxel-based analyses |
↓ FA in OFC WM, relative to DCs. In BD with attempts, OFC WM FA inversely correlated with motor impulsivity |
Olvet et al 201421 |
13 with MDD, MA 33 yrs |
39 DCs, 46 HCs |
ROI and tract- based spatial statistical of FA and ADC |
↓ FA in dorsomedial PFC, relative to DCs and HCs. No difference in ADC |
Single Photon Emission Tomography Studies | ||||
Audenaert et al 200134 |
9 (4 with MDD, 4 AD, 1 brief psychotic disorder, 4 comorbid PDs), MA 32 yrs |
12 HCs | 123I-5-I-R91150 for 5-HT2a receptors in PFC |
↓ PFC binding potential of 5-HT2a receptors |
Audenaert et al 200224 |
20 MDD, MA 32 yrs |
20 HCs | 99mTc-Ethyl Cystine Dimer rCBF SPECT during letter and category fluency tasks |
↓ PFC response during letter and category fluency paradigms, relative to HCs |
Bah et al 200833 |
9 unmedicated M (6 with MDD, 1 AD, and/or 5 PDs), MA 41 yrs |
9 HCs | 1231-β-CIT for 5- HTT availability, assessment of SLC6A4 polymorphisms |
In attempters, ↓ 5-HTT availability associated with the “s” allele of 5-HTTLPR and 12 repeat allele of STin2 |
van Heeringen et al 200335 |
9 (3 with MDD, 4 AD, 1 brief psychotic and/or 4 PDs), MA 32 yrs |
13 HCs | 123I-5-I-R91150 for 5-HT2a receptors in PFC |
↓ PFC binding potential of 5-HT2a receptors. ↓ 5-HT2a binding associated with ↑ hopelessness and harm avoidance |
Lindström et al 200436 |
12 (3 with MDD, 3 MDD + SA, 3 AD, 1 DE-NOS, 1 SP, 3 undiagnosed), MA 39 yrs |
12 HCs | 1231-β-CIT methods to separate 5-HTT and DAT uptake |
No significant differences in 5-HTT or DAT. In attempters, ↑ impulsivity associated with ↓ whole brain 5-HTT binding. |
Ryding et al 200637 |
12 (5 with MDD, 3 AD, 1 AXD and/or 6 PDs), MA 39 yrs |
12 HCs | 1231-β-CIT methods to separate 5-HTT and DAT uptake |
In attempters, ↑ impulsivity associated with ↓ 5-HTT binding in OFC, temporal regions, midbrain, thalamus, basal ganglia, and cerebellum, and ↑ mental energy with ↓ DAT binding in basal ganglia |
Willeumier et al 201125 |
21 scanned previously who completed suicide with mood disorders, MA 36 yrs |
36 DCs, 27 HCs |
99mTc HMPAO SPECT to assess rCBF |
↓ rCBF in superior PFC, operculum, postcentral gyrus, precuneus, caudate and insula.↓ rCBF in the subgenual ACC in 18 of the 21 subjects |
Positron Emission Tomography Studies | ||||
Cannon et al 200630 |
8 BD with current depressive episode, MA 30 yrs (overall BD sample) |
10 DCs, 37 HCs |
5-HTT binding potential measured with 11C-DASB |
↓ 5-HTT binding in the midbrain and ↑ in the ACC, relative to DCs and HCs |
Leyton et al 200629 |
10 high lethality suicide attempters (2 with mood disorder, 8 cluster B PD, 6 SA), MA 38 yrs |
16 HCs | Alpha-11C- methyl-L- tryptophan trapping as index of 5-HT synthesis |
↓ 5-HT synthesis in OFC and ventromedial PFC |
Miller et al 201331 |
15 with MDD, MA 39 yrs |
36 DCs, 32 HCs |
11C-DASB to quantify in vivo regional brain 5- HTT binding |
↓ 5-HTT binding in midbrain, relative to DCs and HCs |
Nye et al 201332 |
11 with MDD, MA 39 yrs |
10 HC | 11C-ZIENT PET to measure 5-HTT |
↓ 5-HTT in the midbrain/pons and putamen |
Oquendo et al 200328 |
16 with MDD with high lethality attempts/9 MDD with low lethality attempts, MA 43 yrs/30 yrs |
18F-FDG PET, fenfluramine vs. placebo challenge |
↓ rCMRglu in ventral, medial, and lateral PFC, compared to low-lethality attempters, more pronounced after fenfluramine.↓ ventromedial PFC activity associated with ↓ impulsivity and ↑ suicidal planning. ↓ rCMRglu associated with ↓ verbal fluency |
Soloff et al 200326 |
13 ↑ with BPD (12 with attempts), MA 25 yrs |
9 HCs | 18F-FDG PET during rest |
Bilateral ↓ rCMRglu in the medial OFC |
Sublette et al 201327 |
13 with MDD or BD, MA 36 yrs |
16 DCs | 18F-FDG PET, fenfluramine vs. placebo |
↓ rCMRglu in right DLPFC, more pronounced after fenfluramine, ↑ ventromedial PFC activity, not detected after fenluramine. Suicide ideation correlated negatively with rCMRglu in an overlapping DLPFC region |
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies | ||||
Jollant et al 200838 |
13 M with MDD, MA 40 yrs |
14 DCs, 16 HCs |
Response to intense or mild, angry or happy face stimuli, compared to responses to neutral face stimuli |
↑ response in lateral and ↓ in superior frontal cortex to angry vs. neutral, ↑ anterior cingulate gyrus to mild happy vs. neutral, ↑ cerebellum to mild angry vs. neutral, relative to DCs |
Jollant et al 201039 |
13 M with MDD, MA age 38 yrs |
12 DCs, 15 HCs |
Iowa Gambling Task, ROIs |
↓ lateral OFC and occipital cortex activation during risky relative to safe choices, relative to DCs. Poorer gambling task performance, relative to DCs |
Marchand et al 201240 |
6 M with MDD with self-harm, 5 with attempts, MA 28 yrs (overall MDD sample ) |
16 DCs | Motor activation task |
↓ putamen activation and altered functional connectivity in a network involving bilateral motor/sensory cortices and striatum, left temporal and inferior parietal lobule regions and right posterior cortical midline structures |
Reisch et al 201041 |
8 F with attempts, MA 39 yrs |
None | Activation during recall of mental pain and suicide action during recent suicide attempts |
Recall of mental pain was associated with ↓ activation in DLPFC, rostral PFC and premotor regions. Recall of suicidal action was associated with ↑ activation in the medial PFC, ACC and HP |
Older Adults | ||||
Dombrovski et al 201350 |
15 with MDD, MA 66 yrs |
18 DCs, 20 HCs |
Reward learning using reinforcement learning model, assessment of expected rewards |
↓ pregenual cingulate response to high expected reward and associated with ↑ impulsivity |
Children and Adolescents | ||||
Pan et al 201156 |
15 with MDD, MA 16 yrs |
15 DCs, 14 HCs |
Go-no-go response inhibition and motor control task |
↓ ACC activation to go-no-go vs motor control, relative to DCs |
Pan et al 201355 |
14 with MDD, (sample noted to overlap with 2011 study), MA 16 yrs |
15 DCs, 15 HCs |
Response to intense or mild, angry or happy face stimuli, compared to responses to neutral face stimuli |
↑ ACC-DLPFC circuitry, primary sensory and temporal cortices to mildly angry faces, relative to DCs. Higher primary sensory cortex to mild angry, relative to HCs. ↓ in the fusiform gyrus to neutral faces during angry face runs, relative to DCs. ↓ in primary sensory cortex to intensely happy faces and in the anterior cingulate and medial PFC to neutral faces in the happy face runs. ↓ anterior cingulate-insula functional connectivity to mild angry faces, relative to DCs or HCs |
Pan et al 201357 |
15 with MDD, MA 16 yrs |
14 DCs, 13 HCs |
Iowa Gambling Task |
↓ activation in thalamus during high-risk decisions relative to DCs and ↑ activation in caudate relative to HCs |
11C-DASB, (11 C)3-amino-4-(2-dimethylaminomethyl-phenylsulfanyl) benzonitrile; 11C-ZIENT, ( 11C)2β-carbomethoxy-3β-[4′-((Z)-2-iodoethenyl)phenyl]nortropane; 123I-β-CIT, (123I)β-carboxymethyoxy-3-β-(4-iodophenyl) tropane; 123I-5-I-R91150, 4-amino-N-[l-[3-(4-fluorophenoxy); 5-HT, Serotonin; 5-HT2a, Serotonin 2a; 5-HTT, Serotonin transporter; 5-HTTLPR, Serotonin-transporter-linked polymorphic region; 99mTc, Technetium-99m; ACC, Anterior cingulate cortex; AD, Adjustment disorder; ADC, Apparent diffusion coefficient; ALIC, Anterior limb of internal capsule; Amyg, Amygdala; AXD, Anxiety disorder; BD, Bipolar disorder; BD-P, Bipolar disorder w/ psychosis; BPD, Borderline personality disorder; CC, Corpus callosum; DAT, Dopamine transporter; DC, Diagnostic controls, i.e., subjects with the same diagnosis(es) as the group with attempts; DE-NOS, Depressive episode not otherwise specified; DLPFC, Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; F, Females; FA, Fractional anisotropy; FDG, Fluorodeoxyglucose; GM, Gray matter; GP, Globus pallidus; HC, Healthy control subjects; HMPAO, Hexamethylpropylene amine oxime; HP, Hippocampus; M, Males; MA, Mean age; MDD, Major depressive disorder; OFC, Orbitofrontal cortex; PD, Personality disorder; PET, Positron emission tomography; PVH, Periventricular hyperintensities; PFC, Prefrontal cortex; rCBF, Regional cerebral blood flow; rCMRglu, Regional cerebral glucose metabolic rates; ROIs, Regions of interest; SA, Substance abuse; SCZ, Schizophrenia; SLC6A4, serotonin transporter gene; SP, Social phobia; SPECT, Single photon emission tomography; STin2, Serotonin transporter intron 2; SZA, Schizoaffective disorder; TBI, Traumatic brain injury; VBM, voxel-based morphometry; WM, White matter; WMH, White matter hyperintensities