Table 1.
Safe San Index items, scoring, and computation.
Q # | Item # | Survey Question | Response Options (Score Value) |
1 | -na- | How often do you (respondent) personally use the toilet to defecate? | Never (1) Sometimes/Occasionally (2) Usually/Mostly (3) Always (4) |
2 | LUF 1 | How often do the elders (over 60 years of age) in your household use the toilet to defecate? | No members/ others besides respondent (0) Never (1) Sometimes/Occasionally (2) Usually/Mostly (3) Always (4) |
3 | LUF 2 | How often do the (other) married women who are not elders, use the toilet to defecate? | (same) |
4 | LUF 3 | How often do the (other) unmarried women (over 15 years old) who are not elders, use the toilet to defecate? | (same) |
5 | LUF 4 | How often do the married men who are not elder use the toilet to defecate? | (same) |
6 | LUF 5 | How often do the unmarried men (over 15 years old) who are not elder use the toilet to defecate? | (same) |
7 | LUF 6 | When school age children in your household are at home, how often do they use the toilet to defecate? | (same) |
8 | LUF 7 | For young children who are too young to be able to use the toilet, after they defecate on the ground in your courtyard or in your house, how often do you put their feces in the toilet? | (same) |
9 | LUF 8 | If a member of your household becomes critically ill * and must defecate in the dwelling or courtyard, do you throw their feces in the toilet? | Never (1) Sometimes/Occasionally (2) Usually/Mostly (3) Always (4) |
10 | LUF 9 | When adult females (such as yourself) in your household have a need to defecate during mid-day, would they use the latrine? | (same) |
11 | LUF 10 | When adult males in your household have a need to defecate during mid-day, would they use the latrine? | (same) |
12 | LUF 11 | When any member of your household, whether adult or child, needs to defecate in the night, how often do they use the latrine? | (same) |
13 | -na- | On how many of the mornings of the last 7 days did you defecate in the open (e.g., field, bush, roadside, side of canal, back of house, etc.)? | No days (1) Some days (2) Most days (3) Every day (4) |
14 | -na- | On how many of the evenings of the last 7 days did you defecate in the open? | (same) |
15 | -na- | On how many of the last 7 days did you defecate in the open at noon time, or at night? | (same) |
16 | ODR7 1 | Considering the routines of the other adults (over 15) in your household over the past week, on how many of the last 7 days did ANY other women in your household defecate in the open? | No (other) adult women (0) No days (1) Some days (2) Most days (3) Every day (4) |
17 | ODR7 2 | On how many of the last 7 days did ANY men in your household defecate in the open? | No (other) adult men (0) No days (1) Some days (2) Most days (3) Every day (4) |
18 | ODR7 3 | Considering the routines of children (15 and under) in your household during the past week, on how many of the last 7 days did school age children in your household defecate in the open? | No school age children (0) No days (1) Some days (2) Most days (3) Every day (4) |
19 | ODR7 4 | On how many of the last 7 days did any pre-school age child in your household defecate in the open? | No pre-school children (0) No days (1) Some days (2) Most days (3) Every day (4) |
Computation Steps | |||
LUF Index component |
ODR7 Index component |
Safe San Index |
Note: * The notion is “so ill”, that is bed-ridden or in a state of weakness that the person is unable to walk to the latrine or to an open defecation area away from the house.