Figure 4.
MRI of cell pellets and ICP-OES quantifications of iron in mESCs. (A) Color-coded R2 map from multi-echo measurements of R2 relaxation rate showed a significant increase in R2 rate when mESC-MagA was treated with Dox and FC. The cell pellet of mESC-MagA Dox/FC showed significantly induced relaxivity (R2) compared to mESC-WT with Dox/FC treatment (*P = 0.02, n = 3). Also, a significant increase in R2 rate was observed when mESC-MagA Dox/FC was compared to mESC-MagA FC (*P = 0.002, n =3). (B) mESC-MagA Dox/FC showed the highest iron content compared to all other groups. Compared to mESC-WT Dox/FC, mESC-MagA Dox/FC had significantly higher iron content (*P = 0.041, n = 3). There was no significant change when mESC-WT Dox/FC was compared to mESC-WT None (P = 0.11, n = 3). All histogram data are means ± SEM. *P< 0.05 versus appropriate control by ANOVA.