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. 2014 Aug 26;2:126. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2014.00126

Table 2.

(A) Specialist responses; (B) referrer responses.

Question Yes No Unknown Total answered Skipped Percentage yes
Q28: Was the information supplied by the referrer adequate? 44 22 66 33 66.7
Q30: Was the referrer question clear? 59 5 64 35 92.2
Q34: Did the advice improve patient management? 30 2 35 67 32 44.8
Q35: Was there any educational benefit to the referrer? 75 1 76 23 98.7
Average 3.20a
Q36: Did the consultation have any value for you personally? 56 11 67 32 83.6
Q36: If yes, what kind of value was it?b
 Mainly clinical 11 11 19.6b
 Mainly educational 7 7 12.5
 Both clinical and educational 30 30 53.6
 Other 12 12 21.4
Q41: What is your satisfaction with the system? Average 6.63c 73 26
Q43: Is there benefit in having access to specialized medicine   in a low-resource setting? Average 8.04c 82 17
Q44: Are referrers isolated in their practice? Average 7.21c 81 18
Q45: Can the system help?
 … Overall Average 3.63a 71 28
 … Feel less isolated Average 3.65a 75 24
Q30: Did you find the advice helpful? 30 3 33 31 90.9
Q32: Was the answer appropriate/adapted to your field   environment? 31 2 33 31 93.8
Q33: Did the advice improve patient management? 26 2 5 33 31 78.8
Q36: Was there any educational benefit to you (referrer)?  31d 2 33 31 93.9
Average rating 2.94a
Q43: Would you recommend the system to your colleagues? 33 1 34 30 97.1
Q44: What is your satisfaction with the system? Average 7.61c 36 28
Q46: Is there benefit in having access to specialized medicine   in a low-resource setting? Average 8.27c 41 23
Q47: Are referrers isolated in their practice? Average 6.76c 41 23
Q48: Can the system help?
 … Overall Average 3.65a 36 27
 … Feel less isolated Average 3.67a 37 29

aAverage rating: scale 1 = no, 2 = a little, 3 = moderately, 4 = a lot.

bPercentage of total answering yes (56).

cAverage rating: scale from 0 = not happy at all to 10 = extremely happy with it.

dAnswer yes = categories 2–4 below.