of single cell concentration-enhanced kinase activity
assay. (a) Procedures for single cell culture, lysis and kinase reaction.
Individual cells are isolated and cultured in individual open microwells
(∼40 nL) for microscopic observation. For kinase assay, buffer
in the wells is replaced with kinase assay buffer, sealed with a Kapton
tape, and the cells are ultrasonically lysed. After incubation, to
allow kinase reaction, the reaction product is diluted into larger
volumes and loaded into the microflluidic device for readout. (b)
Detection of 0 vs 1 cell Akt activities from different microwells.
Measured activity signals (marked by arrows) can be clearly differentiated
between 0 and 1 cell cases. (c) MK2 activity vs cell number after
normalizing by the average cell volume. Different numbers of cells
have significantly different normalized kinase activities by Student’s
two-tailed t-test, demonstrating that this assay
has both single cell sensitivity and resolution.