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. 2014 Aug 26;9(8):e105505. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0105505

Table 3. Crude Distribution of Potential Risk Factors Across the Grades of dVRS in WM after removing 149 patients with Grade 3 PWMH or Grade 3 DWMH*.

Total (N = 941) Grade 1 (N = 139) Grade 2 (N = 293) Grade 3 (N = 299) Grade 4 (N = 210) P value
Mean age, years (SD) 59.2(11.0) 58.2(12.2) 58.8(11.4) 59.6(10.5) 59.7(10.5) 0.47
Age ≥65 years 32.8(309) 32.4(45) 31.7(93) 33.4(100) 33.8(71) 0.96
Gender (Male) 72.2(679) 71.9(100) 67.6(198) 73.6(220) 76.7(161) 0.14
Current or previous smoker 56.5(532) 67.6(94) 53.2(156) 56.2(168) 54.3(114) 0.03
Heavy drinker 7.0(66) 7.2(10) 4.8(14) 7.4(22) 9.5(20) 0.23
Hypertension 78.8(741) 67.6(94) 78.8(230) 78.6(235) 86.7(182) <0.0001
History of hypertension 66.0(614) 44.9(62) 65.0(186) 68.1(203) 78.0(163) <0.0001
Diabetes mellitus 39.1(367) 38.8(54) 36.9(108) 40.5(121) 40.4(84) 0.80
Hyperlipidemia 17.2(143) 20.0(25) 14.0(36) 17.2(45) 19.9(37) 0.32
Ischemic heart diseases 9.6(87) 8.8(12) 6.7(19) 12.8(37) 9.7(19) 0.10
Previous ischemic stroke 23.2(218) 18.0(25) 21.2(62) 27.5(82) 23.3(49) 0.12
Previous stroke 24.4(229) 19.4(27) 22.2(65) 29.2(87) 23.8(50) 0.09
NIHSS score at admission ≤3 42.4(397) 26.1(36) 40.6(119) 45.3(135) 51.7(107) <0.0001
Leukoaraiosis 95.2(896) 90.6(126) 95.2(279) 96.3(288) 96.7(203) 0.04
Fazekas score ≥3 42.3(398) 34.5(48) 38.9(114) 44.1(132) 49.5(104) 0.02
Lacune 40.3(366) 35.1(47) 39.6(112) 41.5(120) 42.9(87) 0.51
Number of lacune, median (IQR) 0(0–1) 0(0–1) 0(0–2) 0(0–1) 0(0–2) 0.34
Small-artery occlusion subtype 31.9(300) 33.8(47) 34.8(102) 26.8(80) 33.8(71) 0.15

Abbreviations: dVRS, dilated Virchow-Robin Spaces; WM, white matter; SD, standard deviation; NIHSS, National Institutes of Health stroke scale; PWMH, periventricular white matter hyperintensities; DWMH, deep white matter hyperintensities. IQR, interquartile range.

*All data are presented as percentage (no.) unless otherwise indicated.

It is contrary to large-artery atherosclerosis subtype of ischemic stroke according to Stop Stroke Study Trial of Org 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment (SSS-TOAST) classification criteria.