A, immunoblot picture showing progesterone receptor A and B (PRA and PRB) and GAPDH loading control bands in one representative uterine sample of the gestational stage groups 45d, 55dA, 55dB and 62d. Duplicates of 50 µg (left) and 100 µg (right) protein content were run from each uterine extract. B, PRA and PRB protein relative abundance in the gestational stage groups from 45d pregnancy to Labor. *, PRA significantly different from 67d and Labor; #, PRA significantly different from 67d; +, PRB significantly different from Labor; p<0.05, ANOVA corrected for multiple comparisons (Bonferroni); n = 6–8 per group. C, Correlation between PRA and PRB relative abundance in individual uteri (p<0.0001, Spearman).