Figure 1.
Level of lesion severity/depth for occlusal lesion
Questions 1 and 2:
For each question, circle the letters which correspond to the treatment codes you would recommend for each of the four cases. You may circle more than one treatment code per case.
1. Suppose the patient is a 30 year old female with no relevant medical history. She has no complaints and is in your office today for a routine visit. She has been attending your practice on a regular basis for the past 6 years, and has 12 teeth with existing dental restorations, heavy plaque and calculus, multiple Class V white spot lesions, and is missing five teeth.
2. Suppose the patient is a 12-year old child with no relevant medical history. The patient is in your office today for the first time for a routine visit. She has 5 restorations and moderate plaque. A rubber dam cannot be used.
Treatment codes:
a. No treatment today, follow the patient regularly, b. In-office fluoride, c. Recommend non-prescription fluoride, d. Prescription for fluoride, e. Use sealant or unfilled resin over tooth, f. Chlorhexidine treatment, g. Minimal drilling and sealant, h. Minimal drilling and preventive resin restoration, i. Air abrasion and a sealant, j. Air abrasion and preventive resin restoration, k. Amalgam restoration, l. Composite restoration, m. Indirect restoration