Figure 6. Habitat selection by female elephants in Etosha for the variables mopane, A. nebrownii, and Acacia in both the wet and dry seasons.
(A–C) During the wet season, when water is not limiting, individuals utilize more of the landscape and select habitat variables at larger scales more strongly than in the dry season. (D–F) During the dry season, when individuals are more restricted in their movements to areas near water, habitat variables are typically selected more strongly at a smaller scale than at a larger scale. Each variable is fit to three models: distance from current location only (straight solid line), distance and the linear habitat variable (jagged solid line), and distance with both the linear and quadratic values (dashed line). Each of the peaks of model fit is indicated. A single asterisk indicates that only the linear value was chosen, and a double asterisk indicates that both the linear and quadratic values were chosen. An asterisk in parentheses indicates that the variable was not included in the best overall model.