Figure 2.
Shoot Ca Concentrations of Three Genotypes of B. rapa (IMB211, R500, and R-o-18) as Functions of [Ca]ext and [Mg]ext.
Plants were grown in compost for 18 d. Data are means of three replicates analyzed using a genotype/([Ca]ext × [Mg]ext) treatment structure within an ANOVA. In (A) to (C), there are six [Mg]ext treatment levels per [Ca]ext treatment level; these are indicated as numerical symbols for each data point. Similarly, in (D) to (F), there are six [Ca]ext treatment levels per [Mg]ext treatment level. (G) to (I) are ternary plots showing interpolated data for all 36 Ca × Mg treatment combinations. Error terms (LSD values; P = 0.05) are as follows: 689, 1689, and 4136 mg/kg for genotype, [Ca]ext or [Mg]ext, and genotype/([Ca]ext × [Mg]ext) terms, respectively.