Figure 4.
Phylogenetic tree of CSPs from selected species of insects and other arthropods. Apart from Hexapoda, members of the CSP family have also been found in species of Euchelicerata, Myriapoda, and Crustacea. Species and color codes are as follows. Violet: Euchelicerata (Isca: Ixodes scapularis) and Myriapoda (Jul: Julida sp.; Agig: Archispirostrepsus gigas); red: Crustacea (Afra: Artemia franciscana; Dpul: Daphnia pulex; Tcan: Triops cancriformis); green: Collembola (Fcan: Folsomia candida; Amar: Anurida maritima; Cant: Cryptopygus antarcticus; Ocin: Orchesella cincta), Archaeognatha (Lysi: Lepismachilis y-signata) and Zygentoma (Taur: Thricolepisma aurea); magenta: Hemiptera (Apis: Acyrthosiphon pisum); brown: Coleoptera (Tcas: Tribolium castaneum); blue: Lepidoptera (Bmor: Bombyx mori); orange: Hymenoptera (Amel: Apis mellifera); black: Diptera (Dmel: Drosophila melanogaster, Agam: Anopheles gambiae). Sequences were aligned and trees were visualized as in Figure 2. Accession numbers are taken from Vieira and Rozas (2011) or are reported in Table S1.