FIG 8 .
Succinate-driven proton translocation in IMVs of M. smegmatis (WT versus Δsdh1 mutant). Quenching of AO fluorescence in IMVs was initiated with 5 mM succinate, and at the indicated time points, the uncoupler CCCP at 50 µM was added to collapse the proton gradient (reversal of AO fluorescence). IMVs were prepared from M. smegmatis cells grown under normoxic (traces a and b) or hypoxic (traces c and d) conditions in HdB minimal medium supplemented with 30 mM succinate. Traces were normalized to a starting value of 100 arbitrary units (a.u.). Experiments are representative of a technical triplicate. Traces: a, WT cells grown under normoxic conditions; b, Δsdh1 mutant cells grown under normoxic conditions; c, WT cells grown under hypoxic conditions; d, Δsdh1 mutant cells grown under hypoxic conditions.