Figure 4.
Liver × Receptor expression, localization and relative quantification of genes involved in cholesterol homeostasis. Respective liver tissue was used to isolate nuclear fractionations using the NE-PER Nuclear Extraction Reagents kit. A. hepatic LXR mRNA expression B. Nuclear LXR Protein content. Similar amounts of isolate nuclear fractionations from liver tissue, was analyzed. Nuclear LXR protein was determined using ELISA Kit for Liver X Receptor Alpha. LXR protein was normalized against total nuclear protein content. C. LXR immunohistochemistry. Increased nuclear localization in animals under 1% cholesterol diet. Increased localisation of LXR, is shown in (ΔL) Fxr knockout animals under standard diet. flox/flox littermates under the same treatment show lower nuclear LXR localisation. RT-PCR was performed with RNA samples isolated from liver of flox/flox, ΔL Fxr and ΔIE Fxr knockout mice for D. HmgCoAr, E. Abcg5 and F. Abcg8. Data represent means ± SEM (n = 4-5). Asterisk represents P<0.05 as determined by the Mann-Whitney U-test.