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. 2014 Jun 13;21(5):925–937. doi: 10.1136/amiajnl-2014-002767

Table 4.

Clinical associations not found in the Original Medline 1000 dataset

ICD-9 code Description ICD-9 code Description Association
p value
derived from clinical dataset
Clinically surprising? Citations found (PMID)†
1st percentile (highest ranked associations)
 719.46 Joint pain, lower leg 848.9 Sprain and Strain, unspecified site <5×10−324 No 21549978
 172.1 Malignant melanoma of skin and eyelid 190.3 Malignant neoplasm of conjunctiva <5×10−324 No 21478094
 250.71 Diabetes with peripheral circulatory disorders 337.1 Peripheral autonomic neuropathy <5×10−324 No 20724598
 153.0 Malignant neoplasm of colon 230.4 Carcinoma in situ of rectum <5×10−324 No 21125511
 309.28 Adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood 724.2 Lumbago <5×10−324 No 21665125
25th percentile
 535.50 Gastritis and gastroduodenitis 787.6 Fecal incontinence 4.8 x10 −68 * 16712555
 518.0 Pulmonary collapse 876.1 Open wound of back 9.8×10−68 No 17554992
 474.0 Chronic tonsillitis and adenoiditis 558.9 Non-infectious gastroenteritis and colitis 7.6×10−67 Yes 12080166
 377.39 Optic neuritis 432.1 Subdural hemorrhage 7.8×10−67 Yes
 307.59 Eating disorder 564.01 Slow transit constipation 9.9×10−68 No 19139750
50th percentile
 600 Hyperplasia of prostate 747.61 Gastrointestinal vessel anomaly 1.89×10−23 Yes
 296.20 Major depressive affective disorder 734 Pes planus 3.5×10−23 Yes
 164.8 Malignant neoplasm of mediastinum 427.89 Cardiac dysrhythmia 3.7×10−22 No 15284266
 227.0 Benign neoplasm of adrenal gland 788.41 Urinary frequency 5.3×10−22 Yes
 250.51 Type 1 diabetes with ophthalmic manifestations 959.5 Finger injury 1.9×10−21 * 18820219
75th percentile
 217 Benign neoplasm of breast 569.85 Angiodysplasia of intestine with hemorrhage 4.7×10−06  Yes
 362.31 Central retinal artery occlusion 836.0 Tear of medial cartilage or meniscus of knee 4.7×10−06 Yes
 373.32 Contact and allergic dermatitis of eyelid 656.90 Unspecified fetal and placental problem, affecting management of mother, unspecified as to episode of care or not applicable 4.7×10−06 Yes
 110.5 Dermatophytosis of the body 246.2 Thyroid cyst 4.7×10−06 Yes 1607406
 011.90 Pulmonary tuberculosis 701.1 Keratoderma, acquired 4.8×10−06 Yes 9828554
100th percentile (lowest ranked associations)
 459.9 Circulatory system disorder 684 Impetigo 0.99 * 22642914
 171.9 Malignant neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue 333.1 Essential tremor 0.99 Yes
 189.0 Malignant neoplasm of kidney 795.5 Nonspecific reaction to test for tuberculosis 0.99 Yes 20623161
 225.3 Benign neoplasm of spinal cord 558.9 Non-infectious gastroenteritis and colitis 0.99 Yes
 378.31 Hypertropia 722.10 Displacement of lumbar intervertebral disc without myelopathy 0.99 Yes

These were selected from the left-most area in figure 3A. Associations become more clinically surprising as their ranking decreases. Whether an association was clinically surprising was independently determined by two physicians (κ statistic 0.75; 95% CI 0.48 to 1.01). A manual search for citations by each physicians revealed potential associations that were not detected with the automated approach using MetaMap.

*Opinions for which the physicians differed.

†If only one citation is listed, it means that only one reviewer found a citation that supported the association. If two are listed, each reviewer found at least one citation to support the association. If none are listed, neither reviewer was able to find a citation to support the association.

ICD-9, International Classification of Disease, V.9; PMID, PubMed Identifier.