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. 2014 Aug 15;16(8):e192. doi: 10.2196/jmir.3469

Table 3.

Behavior change techniques present in monitoring systems, by number of systems (N=13).

BCT category BCT Monitors, n
Goals and planning Goal setting (behavior)a 13
Problem solvinga 1
Goal setting (outcome) 8
Action planninga 5
Review behavior goal(s)a 10
Discrepancy between current behavior and goal 13
Review outcome goal(s) 7
Commitment 4
Feedback and monitoring Feedback on behaviora 13
Self-monitoring of behaviora 13
Self-monitoring of outcome(s) of behavior 8
Biofeedback 2
Feedback on outcome(s) of behavior 8
Social support Social support (unspecified)a 8
Social support (practical) 2
Social support (emotional) 4
Shaping knowledge Instruction on how to perform the behaviora 2
Information about antecedents 1
Natural consequences Information about health consequencesa 6
Information about social and environmental consequencesa 1
Monitoring of emotional consequences 4
Information about emotional consequencesa 1
Comparison of behavior Social comparisona 8
Associations Prompts/cues 7
Repetition and substitution Behavior substitution 1
Habit formation 1
Graded tasks 3
Comparison of outcomes Credible source 2
Reward and threat Non-specific reward 6
Social reward 8
Reward (outcome) 1
Antecedents Adding objects to the environment 13
Scheduled consequences Situation-specific reward 3
Reward incompatible behavior 1
Self-belief Focus on past successes 7

aThis BCT was identified in the literature as associated with successful intervention.