(A,B) FACS analysis of WT and β3KO virgin and P12.5 mammary glands. (A) Representative FACS density plots of WT and β3KO P12.5 mammary cells showing the live, Lin− cells expressed according to their CD24 and CD29 status. (B) Quantitation of the total number of FACS-sorted live Lin−CD24+CD29hi and CD29lo cells from virgin and P12.5 mammary glands. P-values for WT versus β3KO at P12.5: MaSC; P=0.027, Luminal; P=0.09. (A,B) Virgin; WT, n=4, β3KO, n=4, P12.5; WT, n=7, β3KO, n=8.
(C) Histogram showing the relative levels of total repopulating cells in the CD29hi pool from WT and β3KO P12.5 donor mice. n=4 independent experiments. (B,C) Data represent the mean ± s.e.m. and statistical analysis was performed by Student’s T-tests. *P<0.05. (B) n.s. = not significant (P>0.05).
(D) Representative images of carmine-stained WT and β3KO outgrowths harvested at lactating day 2. Scale bars, 1 mm. See also Figure S4.