Table 1. Current and future therapeutic exploitation of FcγRIIB.
Therapeutic strategy | Clinical effect | Refs |
Modulation of FcγRIIB expression on effector cells | IVIG indirectly increases FcγRIIB expression on ‘effector’ cells | 138,139 |
Infliximab (Remicade; Centocor/Merck) blocks TNF, leading to increased FcγRIIB expression on monocytes | 142 | |
Modulation of IgG-binding to FcγRIIB | Decrease in affinity of depleting monoclonal antibodies for FcγRIIB increases efficacy | 45,47 |
Use of FcγRIIB as a direct therapeutic target | Monoclonal antibody directed against FcγRIIB allowing co-crosslinking of FcγRIIB may induce apoptosis of B cells and plasma cells in lymphoma, myeloma or autoimmunity | 40,150,151 |
A bispecific antibody that binds antigen-specific BCR and FcγRIIB potentially allows targeted inhibition of autoreactive B cells | - | |
Therapeutic antibody targeting IgE receptor can inhibit mast cell degranulation and may be useful in the treatment of allergy | 152-155 | |
Soluble FcγRIIB may inhibit immune complex-mediated immune activation and has shown efficacy in a mouse model of SLE | 156 |
BCR, B cell receptor; FcγR, Fc receptor for IgG; IVIG, intravenous immunoglobulin; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus; TNF, tumour necrosis factor.