Limonene intermediates detected by GC-MS for Gs grown on either MEA or YNB with (+)-limonene
Intermediate | Retention time (min) | Medium(a) |
trans-p-Mentha-2,8-dineol | 22.143 | MEA |
Dihydrocarvone | 22.548 | MEA and YNB |
cis-p-Mentha-2,8-dineol | 22.91 | MEA |
cis-Carveol | 23.012 | MEA |
Carvone | 23.3 | MEAa and YNB |
trans-Carveol | 23.356 | MEA and YNB |
Isopiperitenone | 23.80 | MEA |
Fatty acid compound | 23.921 | MEA and YNB |
p-Mentha-1,8-dine-9-ol | 24.35 | MEA |
Perillyl alcohol | 24.396 | MEA |
Limonene-1,2-diol | 25.326 | MEA and YNBa |
1,4-Hydroxy-2-oxolimoneneb | 7.2 | YNB |
Highest peak.
Detected from derivatized sample.