Reported consensus sequences flanking the invariant catalytic triad residues of nitrilasesa
Conserved catalytic triad of nitrilases | Consensus sequence | Nitrilase sequence alignment (this study) |
E44 | f P E a f | m P E A l |
K131 | h R K l * p T | H R K L M P T |
C165 | l * C W E n ** p | a i C W E N * M P |
Reported consensus sequences flanking the invariant catalytic triad residues of nitrilases as reported by Pace and Brenner (24) and the consensus sequences flanking the catalytic triad from the nitrilase multiple sequence alignment in this study. Uppercase letters indicate ≥90% consensus, whereas lowercase letters represent ≥50% consensus. An asterisk (*) represents residues with <50% consensus. Boldface indicates residues of the catalytic triad (E-K-C).