Figure 6.
The LRR domains of Rpg1b and Rpg1r determine AvrB versus AvrRpm1 specificity. A, Rpg1r specificity is retained when transiently expressed in N. glutinosa. Agroinfiltrations were used to transiently express combinations of Rpg1r-YFP, AvrRpm1, AvrB, or empty vector (EV). All transgenes were under the control of a dexamethasone-inducible promoter. Photographs were taken approximately 24 h after gene induction. B, Expression of Rpg1b-Rpg1r chimeras reveals that the LRR domain determines effector specificity. The indicated chimeras were coexpressed with GmRIN4b and AvrB or AvrRpm1. The percentages given below each leaf indicate the percentage of leaves showing a stronger response to AvrB than AvrRpm1 (left value) and the percentage of leaves showing a stronger response to AvrRpm1 than AvrB (right value). The actual number of leaves used to calculate the percentages are shown in parentheses (number of leaves showing stronger response/total number of leaves injected). The values for leaves in which the responses to both effectors were similar are not shown. The numbers in bold indicate average HR scores. Photographs were taken approximately 48 h after dexamethasone application.