ErbB4 deletion in cystogenesis. (a) Kaplan-Meier survival curve of ErbB4delht+-cpk and cpk mice followed until the time of death. (b) Grossly, enlarged kidneys were seen in ErbB4delht+-cpk mice compared to cpk mice. No significant difference (N.S.) was seen between the kidneys from ErbB4delht+ and wild-type mice. Representative image of kidneys of 10 to 12 mice in each group. (c) Kidney planar surface area was calculated from photographed kidneys. (d) Increased kidney weight (KW) to body weight (BW) ratios were detected in all cpk mice compared to non-cpk mice, with ErbB4delht+-cpk having the highest KW/BW ratio. In (c) and (d), values represent mean ± SE. n = 10 to 12 in each group. (e) Morphologically (H&E staining), cystic kidneys from ErbB4delht+-cpk mice had severe cyst formations and less remnant of renal cortex compared to the kidneys from cpk mice. (f) Cystic index, which represents the percentage of total area occupied by cysts, was significantly larger in ErbB4delht+-cpk kidneys compared to cpk kidneys. (g) At P10, BUN levels in both cpk and ErbB4delht+-cpk mice were significantly increased compared to controls, and BUN levels were further increased in ErbB4delht+-cpk mice. n = 10 to 12 in each group.