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. 2014 Jan 29;32:25–51. doi: 10.3767/003158514X679191

Table 2.

Performance of the four loci in separate and combined phylogenetic analyses of Montagnulaceae and in molecular taxonomy.

# characters 887 615 302 482
# variable 74 194 156 238
# MP-informative 44 159 136 218
SPBrS 62.12 174.90 221.14 266.83
...per character 1.41 1.10 1.63 1.22
ABS, combined 14.34 24.65 31.90 39.80
...per character 0.19 0.13 0.20 0.17
ABS, separate 26.38 34.69 45.12 52.61
...per character 0.36 0.18 0.29 0.22
highest MRI 0.9682 0.9952 0.9795 0.9927
...for F value(s) 0.8 0.35–0.5 0.0–1.0 0.0–1.0
...for threshold(s) 0.29 % 1.37 % 3.005–3.64 % 4.585–4.71 %
# clusters 23 25 28 28

Note: SPbrS, sum of partitioned Bremer-support values over all nodes; ABS, average bootstrap support (under ML, either in combined or separate analysis); MRI, modified Rand index (indicating the agreement, at most 1.0, between sequence clustering and proposed classification). Normalization ‘per character’ was conducted per number of parsimony-informative characters for SPBrS and per number of variable characters for all other measures.