Figure 1.
Kawasphenodon peligrensis sp. nov. (a–c) Holotype MPEF PV 1989. Left lower jaw in lingual (a), labial (b) and occlusal (c) views. (d–f) Paratype MPEF PV 1990. Right lower jaw in lingual (d), labial (e) and occlusal (f) views. (g) Close-up of additional tooth in occlusal view of MPEF PV 1989. (h) Close-up of additional tooth in occlusal view of MPEF PV 1990. adt, additional teeth; anf, angular facet; mg, meckelian groove; or, ornamentation; pg, posterior groove; sb, secondary bone; st, striae; wf, wear facet. Scale bars: (a–c,d–f) 5 mm; (g,h) 1 mm.