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. 2014 Sep 1;5:372. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2014.00372

Table 4.

P. graminis f. sp. tritici genes that are predicted to undergo site-specific diversifying selection with significant in planta up-regulation (wheat infection to germinated urediniospores, p < 0.05, fold change > 2) and a fold change > 2 when comparing isolated haustoria to germinated urediniospores.

Pathogen-associated cluster Protein Secretion signal aas Cys Rust orthologs PFAM domain Wheat/Spores (FC) Haustoria/Spores (FC)
C11 PGTG_08638 Yes 292 1 Stripe, leaf 187.1 1085.9
Fungal PGTG_16225 Yes 310 7 Stripe, leaf 43.8 239
C11 PGTG_04972 340 Stripe, leaf 21.8 147.7
No gene family PGTG_14091 Yes 502 1 Stripe, leaf 25.8 145.5
C12 PGTG_09276 134 Stripe 4.7 142.4
C6 PGTG_05592 Yes 257 10 Stripe 48.2 118.7
C1 PGTG_05174 239 1 Stripe, leaf, flax 32.6 81.2
C6 PGTG_11727 Yes 336 11 Stripe 9 56
C2 PGTG_06244 Yes 277 1 Leaf 4.2 53.7
Fungal PGTG_17076 67 Stripe, leaf Seed maturation protein (PF04927, 2.9e-07) 118.8 50.8
C6 PGTG_03859 Yes 165 11 Stripe, leaf 19.8 44.8
C11 PGTG_16303 Yes 441 4 Stripe 3.1 31.6
C8 PGTG_10538 Yes 411 Stripe, leaf 31.9 31.6
C8 PGTG_10539 Yes 392 2 Leaf 13.9 30.1
C10 PGTG_09318 Yes 87 8 Stripe, leaf 77 19.2
C11 PGTG_00341 361 2 Stripe, leaf 4.9 16.6
C2 PGTG_10398 1011 3 Stripe, leaf 22.8 13.5
C11 PGTG_14389 298 1 Stripe 3.9 11.4
C6 PGTG_17308 Yes 125 7 Stripe 5.9 8.3
C4 PGTG_01642 1329 2 Stripe, leaf 2.7 7.3
C11 PGTG_10056 Yes 766 12 Stripe, leaf 37.1 7.3
C7 PGTG_03213 565 Stripe, leaf 25.6 7.2
C11 PGTG_15791 376 4 Stripe 2.7 7.2
C8 PGTG_13414 Yes 197 2 Stripe, leaf 45.8 6.6
C4 PGTG_01631 Yes 807 5 Stripe, leaf 7.5 5.6
C11 PGTG_15481 Yes 502 3 Stripe, leaf 2.3 5.6
C11 PGTG_17733 Yes 482 Leaf 9.5 5.3
C8 PGTG_10625 Yes 474 3 Stripe 5 5.3
C11 PGTG_18622 300 2 Stripe, leaf 2.5 4.9
C2 PGTG_07786 854 3 Stripe, leaf 2.6 4.4
C11 PGTG_12173 629 4 Stripe, leaf 6.1 3.9
C2 PGTG_07911 Yes 324 4 Stripe, leaf 7 3.9
C6 PGTG_16750 Yes 124 8 Leaf 4.1 3.8
C6 PGTG_04109 Yes 100 9 Leaf 5.1 3.8
C6 PGTG_05119 Yes 141 6 Stripe, leaf 61.3 3.7
Fungal PGTG_05197 537 9 Leaf Sugar (and other) transporter (PF00083, 3e-76) 5.7 3.7
C7 PGTG_07078 324 Stripe, leaf, flax Ribosomal protein S10p/S20e (PF00338, 1.2e-16) 2.6 3.2
C12 PGTG_17001 878 13 Stripe, leaf 2.6 3
C11 PGTG_15702 334 15 Stripe, leaf, flax, poplar 2.3 2.8
C3 PGTG_06359 734 13 Stripe, leaf 6.2 2.7
C6 PGTG_17534 Yes 114 4 Stripe 18.1 2.4
C11 PGTG_14388 Yes 353 1 Leaf 2.5 2.2
C9 PGTG_19205 299 5 Leaf 9.7 2.1
C9 PGTG_14673 Yes 189 10 Stripe 6.4 2.1
C11 PGTG_15389 667 2 Leaf 2.2 2.1
C8 PGTG_10832 149 3 Leaf 2 2
C12 PGTG_17927 711 9 Stripe Alpha-kinase family (PF02816,1.4e-32) 5.5 2

For each protein, its signal peptide prediction by Signal P 4.1, protein sequence length (aas), number of cysteines (Cys) and distribution of wheat stem rust orthologs across the Pucciniomycotina genomes are given. Stripe stands for P. striiformis PST-78, leaf for P. triticina 1-1 BBBD Race 1, flax for M. lini and poplar for M. laricis-populina. Note that no proteins undergoing diversifying selection were found in pathogen-associated cluster C5. Protein expression levels are given for the two experiments (FC: fold change). The genes are ordered by decreasing haustorial differential expression fold change.