Fig. 2.
Physical map of the 16q23.3 →q24.1 chromosome region containing WWOX. (a) STS markers are ordered from centromere (left) to telomere (right). The relative distance between STS markers is arbitrary. The nomenclature used for the STSs derived from the ends of specific BACs indicates first the BAC clone address followed by S or T (i.e. Sp6 or T7 vector sequencing primers). KMS11, MM.1, JJN3 and ANBL6 represent the location of four multiple myeloma translocation breakpoints t(14;16). (b) The isolated BACs and YACs used for this physical map are represented by horizontal solid black lanes (Bednarek et al., 2000). The size of the clones are not to scale. (average size of a BAC 150 kb). (c) Black rectangular boxes represent WWOX exons as numbered. The approximate position of each exon in each corresponding BAC is illustrated.