Figure 3.
Depletion of the core box C/D snoRNA binding protein NOP58 preferentially downregulates the expression of the long snoRNA forms. (A) KD of NOP58 inhibits the expression of some box C/D and not H/ACA snoRNAs. NOP58 was knocked down in SKOV3ip1 using two independent siRNAs and the impact on the abundance of RNA shorter than 200 nt (snoRNA, miRNA, snRNA, YRNA and tRNA) was calculated relative to the level in mock-transfected cells (LF). The log2 fold change in RNA abundance is shown in the form of scatter plots. The different small RNA members are indicated by blue dots, while the box C/D (left panel) and H/ACA snoRNA (right panel) are highlighted in red. The dashed lines represent a decrease of 2-fold in the NOP58 depletion. (B) Effect of the NOP58 KD on the different forms of box C/D snoRNA. The number of long (snoRNAL), short (snoRNASH) and other (that differ from the snoRNAL and snoRNASH) predominant forms of box C/D snoRNAs was determined and plotted relative to binned values of the log2 fold change in expression after the NOP58 KD. The enrichment in snoRNAL downregulated by the KD is shown at bottom.