Figure 7. Lipostatic effects of CBD are mediated by TRPV4-dependent inhibition of the prolipogenic ERK1/2 signaling and downregulation of NRIP1.
(A) Western blot analysis of lysates of SZ95 sebocytes treated with 30 μM AEA, 10 μM CBD, and 1 μM HC for 5 minutes. Numbers on the OD row indicate the optical density of the P-ERK1/2 bands normalized to the corresponding ERK1/2 signals. (B) Quantitative determination of neutral lipid synthesis (Nile Red staining; 24-hour treatments started at day 3 after transfection). **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 compared with the scrambled (SCR) control group. “siNRIP1a” and “siNRIP1b” mark 2 different siRNA constructs against NRIP1. Data are expressed as the percentage of the SCR vehicle control (mean ± SEM of 4 independent determinations). The solid line indicates 100%.One additional experiment yielded similar results.