(A) Representative images of H3K18ac, H3K9ac, H4K12ac, and pAkt expression detected by immunohistochemistry in Gleason grade 3–5, metastatic (n=25) and non-metastatic (n=24) prostate cancer tumors. (B) H-scores were determined and correlations between marks determined. pAkt expression showed a significant correlation with: H3K18ac levels (r=0.7452, p≤0.0001); H3K9Ac (r=0.6283, p≤0.0001); and H4K12ac (r=0.5276, p≤0.0001). (C) Box plot showing H-scores for H4K12ac, H3K18ac, H3K9ac, and pAkt in prostate cancer tumors in patients who developed PSA failure (Yes) or not (No) (**, p<0.005, *, p<0.05).