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. 2014 Aug 18;2014:868062. doi: 10.1155/2014/868062

Table 2.

A list of few of the various popular herbs with ehtnopharmacological backing for being used as aphrodisiac. The table also describes the possible mechanism of action of one or more constitutent isolated from them.

Serial number Biological source Part used Extract used Mechanism of action References
1 Aframomum Melegueta
Roscoe (Zingiberaceae)
Fruits Aqueous extracts Improvement of sexual behaviour [114]
2 Asparagus racemosus Willd. (Liliaceae) Roots Aqueous extracts Improvement of sexual behaviour [115]
3 Allium tuberosum Rottl. ex Spreng
Seeds Butanolic extract Improvement of sexual behaviour [116]
4 Alpinia calcarata Roscoe (Zingiberaceae) Rhizomes Hot Aqueous extract Increase of sexual behaviour
And testosterone
5 Argeria nervosa syn. A. speciosa Sweet
Fresh leaves, roots and flowers Aqueous, ethanol, hexane extract Improvement of sexual behaviour [118]
6 Aspidosperma ulei Markgr. (Apocyanaceae) Root Alkaloidal rich fraction Increase penile erection [119]
7 Asteracantha longifolia Nees (Syn) (Acanthaceae) Seeds Ethanolic extract Improvement of sexual behaviour [120]
8 Anacyclus pyrethrum DC (Compositae) Root Aqueous extract,
Ethanolic extract
Improvement of sexual behaviour [121123]
9 Anacardium occidentale L. (Anacardiaceae) Leaf Hexane
Increase fertility [124]
10 Bulbine natalensis Baker
Stem Aqueous extract Increase hormone level [125]
11 Butea Frondosa Koen. ex Roxb. (Leguminosae) Bark Aqueous extract Improvement of sexual behaviour [126]
12 Butea superba Roxb (Leguminosae) Tuber Ethanolic extracts Increase penile erection [39]
13 Bryonia lacinosa Linn
Seeds Ethanolic extracts Improvement of sexual behaviour [127]
14 Basella alba L.
Leaves Terpenoid
or steroid compounds
Increased the blood testosterone concentrations [128]
15 Boesenbergia rotunda  (L.) Mansf.
Rhizome Ethanolic extract Improvement of sexual behaviour [129]
16 Casimiroa edulis La Llave (Rutaceae) Seed Aqueous extract Improve sexual activity [130]
17 Camellia sinensis   (L.) O. Kuntze (Theaceae), Leaves and buds Aqueous extract Increased the blood testosterone concentrations [131]
18 Catha edulis Forsk
Shoots and
Small branches
Chloroform : diethyether extract (1 : 3) Improvement of sexual behaviour [132]
19 Caesalpinia benthamiana L.
Roots Aqueous extract Improve sexual activity [133]
20 Chlorophytum borivilianum Sant. (Liliaceae) Roots Ethanolic extract Improve sexual activity [51]
21 Cocculus hirsutus
Linn (Menispermaceae)
Aerial part Methanolic extract Spermatogenic [134]
22 Curculigo orchioides Gaertn (Amaryllidaceae) Rhizome Ethanolic extract Improve sexual activity [42, 135]
23 Crocus sativus L. (Iridaceae) Stigma Aqueous extract Improve sexual activity [136]
24 Cynomorium coccineum  L.
Roots Water
Increased spermatogenesis and increase sperm count [48]
25 Diodia scandeus
SW. (Rubiaceae)
Herbs Ethanolic extract Potentiates the action of ACh and adrenaline [137]
26 Dracaena arborea (Wild) Link (Dracaenaceae) Root Aqueous and Ethanolic Improve sexual activity [138]
27 Dactylorhiza hatagirea (D.Don) Soo (Orchidacea) Tubers Aqueous extract Improve sexual activity [139]
28 Eurycoma longifolia Jack.
Roots Methanolic extracts Improve sexual activity [67]
29 Eulophia nuda Lind. (Orchidaceae) Tubers Powder Improve sexual activity [140]
30 Epimedium koreanum Nakai (Berberidaceae) Herbs Aqueous and Ethanolic Improve sexual activity [56]
31 Epimedium brevicornum Maxim  (Berberidaceae) Root Aqueous Extract Increase Nitric oxide release [141]
32 Fadogia agrestis Schweinf. Ex Hiern (Rubiaceae) Stem Alkaloids and
Increased the blood testosterone concentrations [142]
33 Ferula hermonis Boiss
Roots Acetonic extract Stimulated sexual motivation [143]
34 Garcinia cambogia Desr. (Clusiaceae) Seeds Biflavonoid and xanthone Increase sperm count [144]
35 Hibiscus sabdariffa  L.
Flowers Anthocyanins Increase Sperm count [145]
36 Hibiscus macranthus  
Hochst. Ex A.Rich.
Leaves Terpenoid
or steroid compounds
Increased the blood testosterone concentrations [128]
37 Kaempferia parviflora Wall. Ex. Baker
Rhizomes Alcohol extract Increase in blood flow to the testis, Sexual behaviour [146, 147]
38 Lepidium meyenii  
Walpers (Brassicaceae)
Root Aqueous extract Spermatogenesis [83]
39 Lophira laceolata (Ohanacea) Stem Bark Aqueous extract Improve sexual behaviour [148]
40 Lithospermum arvense L. (Boraginaceae) Seed Aqueous extract Androgenic [149]
41 Massularia acuminata  (G. Don) Bullock ex Hoyl. (Rubiaceae) Stem Aqueous extract Stimulate male sexual maturation [150]
42 Mondia whitei (Hook f.) Skeels. (Periplocaceae) Roots Aqueous extract Increase in the testicular weight and serum and testicular testosterone [151, 152]
43 Mucuna pruriens Baker
Seed Chloroform extract Spermatogenic [84]
44 Microdesmis keayana J.Léonard. (Pandaceae) Roots Keayanidine B and keayanine Stimulate NO production [153]
45 Montanoa tomentosa Cerv (Asteraceae) Leaves and flowers Aqueous extract Improve sexual behaviour [154]
46 Myristica fragrans  
Houtt. (Myristicaceae)
Nutmeg 50% ethanolic extracts Improve sexual behaviour [155, 156]
47 Orchis latifolia Linn (Orchidaceae) Roots Aqueous extract,
Improve sexual behaviour [140, 157]
48 Panax ginseng  
C. A. Mayer (Araliaceae)
Roots Ginsenosides,
saponin glycosides
Increase Nitric oxide central
nervous system action
49 Panax quinquefolium  
L. (Araliaceae)
Roots Powdered Facilitate male copulatory
50 Pausinystalia yohimbe  
Pierre ex Beille (Rubiaceae)
Bark Yohimbine Improve sexual behaviour
And penile erection
51 Peganum harmala L.
Seed Powdered Improve semen quality, Spermatogenesis and organ weight [161]
52 Pentadiplandra brazzeana  
Baill. (Capparidaceae)
Root Aqueous extract Serum and testicular testosterone levels testicular cholesterol, the seminal vesicular fructose [162]
53 Pfaffia paniculata   (Martius) Kuntze
Root Aqueous extract Increase serum testosterone [163]
54 Piper Gnineense Schumach.  &  Thonn. (Piperaceae) Fruits Aqueous extract Improvement of sexual behaviour [114]
55 Psidium guajava Linn (Myrtaceae) Leaves Ethanol extract Increase sperm count [164]
56 Psoralea corylifolia L.
Fruits Aqueous extract Increased sperm counts, induces spermatogenesis [165]
57 Passiflora incarnate Linn (Passifloraceae) Leaves Methanolic extract Increase sexual behaviour [166]
58 Rubus coreanus Miq (Rosaceae) Fruit Powder Enhancing spermatogenesis [167]
59 Rhoicissus tridentata L.f. (Wild and R.B. Drumm)
Root bark Chloroform and Ethanolic extract Relaxed the corpus cavernosal smooth muscle [168]
60 Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & Perry. Flower bud 50% ethanolic extract Increase sexual behaviour [169]
61 Senecio cardiophyllus Hemsl (Asteraceae) Root Aqueous extract Increase the ejaculatory capacity [170]
62 Salvia haematodes L.
Roots Ethanolic extract Increase sexual behaviour [171]
63 Securidaca longepedunculata (Fresen) (Polygalaceae), Root bark Chloroform and Ethanolic extract Relaxed the corpus cavernosal smooth muscle [168]
64 Terminalia catappa Linn. (Combretaceae) Seeds Seed suspension Increase sexual behaviour [172]
65 Tribulus terrestris L.
Fruits Protodioscin Androgen increasing property [101]
66 Tribulus alatus  
Delile (Zygophyllaceae)
Aerial parts and fruits 70% alcoholic extract Increase serum testosterone [173]
67 Trichopus Zeylanicus  
Gaertn (Trichopodaceae)
Leaf Ethanolic extract Stimulate sexual behaviour [174]
68 Tricholepis glaberrima. DC (Compositae) Aerial parts Methanol extract Stimulate sexual behaviour [175]
69 Turnera diffusa Willd
Leaf 30% ethanol in water (v : v), Stimulate sexual behaviour [176]
70 Vanda tessellate (Roxb.)
Hook. Ex Don
Aqueous and ethanolic Stimulate sexual behaviour [177]
71 Wrightia natalensis  (Stapf) (Apocynaceae) Root bark Chloroform and Ethanolic extract Relaxed the corpus cavernosal smooth muscle [168]
72 Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal. (Solanaceae) Root Aqueous extract Spermatogenesis [49]
73 Zingiber officinale  
Roscoe (Zingiberaceae)
Roots Aqueous extract Increase of both testis weight and serum testosterone
74 Pueraria tuberosa DC
tubers Ethanolic extract Stimulate sexual behavior [178]
75 Spilanthes acmella  
Murr. (Asteraceae)
flowers Ethanolic extract Stimulate sexual behavior [179]
76 Pedalium murex Linn.
fruits Ethanolic extract Stimulate sexual behavior [180]
77 Dracaena arboreaI (Willd.)
Roots Aqueous and ethanolic extracts inhibit the activity of the bulbospongiosus muscles [181]
78 Allanblackia floribunda  
Oliv. (Guttiferae)
Stem bark Aqueous and ethanolic extracts inhibit the activity of the bulbospongiosus muscles [182]
79 Corchorus depressus Linn (Tiliaceae) Whole plant Chlorofrm fraction Stimulate sexual behavior [183]
80 Arctium lappa L (Asteraceae) Root Aqueous extract Stimulate sexual behavior [184]
81 Musa paradisiacal L (Musaceae) Root Aqueous extract Increase testosterone level [185]
82 Lecaniodiscus cupanioides Planch.  (Sapindaceae) Root Aqueous extract Increase testosterone level [186]